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I completed nearly a decades worth of work in the field of natation and general aqautics. This is a notebook on style, safety and good christian swimming life.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Why I can't Vote...

Well those damned liberals...

They ruined my thanksgiving again.

You see election time is coming soon to a school gymnasium near you (jock-straps are optional... I'll be wearing mine)

Well last year Jon got a big fine by that pussy whipped unholy sepulchre of the evil liberjew governance.

and why you may ask?? Because I ate ballots... they are made of a delicious substrate that draws out voters.. .and sadly since it is now illegal I will be too hungry to vote this year.

Sample made by me:
The counterfoil adds a new dimension of krispieness to the delicious ballot.

Life isn't easy... and now it just got harder for me... FUCK I'm handicapped you know, I need to eat more than a regular man because of my gout.

Back in the olden-days they used to make the ballots scratch and sniff-- so you could sniff out a Jew running for office... they got rid of that one too... and now that you can't even eat the ballot afterwards-- it's sacrilegious as my gatineau friends tell me in their heathen tongue.

Well it's for the better anyway, not like anyone I would vote for is running... Chairman Mao was the finest gentleman ever, and ever since he ran... voting has been hard.

Here is a little illustration I made to make things a little more clear:

Wait a second... Cletus (who is overlooking my head and shoulders) is saying that mao was a communist? I find that one hard to believe because that super fag Jackmeoff LayTONE is a stupid NDP commufag from fag village.

and evidence 3f - layton's cam"pain" poster:

So screw the election.... or screw my erection... it's all too fast for me-- god damn Adrienne Clarkson and her illegitament child Kelly


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