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I completed nearly a decades worth of work in the field of natation and general aqautics. This is a notebook on style, safety and good christian swimming life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2001

Well, I think I really did it this time!

I was fucking around on the internets and it was too got damn fast on my 28.8 modem, so I brought the lot into my love tub (with extra Jon) and dropped it in. Big Digger Size mistake! I ended up going back in time goddamn it! Time goes even faster in reverse (like that time my rascal scooter lost power and when down that big hill). Well anyways, I ended up in a different time and space. What a trip. I remember hearing that you should touch anything, so i didn't. Until some fine little girl walked by and i grabbed her little tuchas and well all hell broke lose! Every thing was going so fast! I kept yelling "slow down you fucking japs! This aint Nippon you bastards!" But to no avail. I broke the time space continuum.

New york was filled with minorities, Long Island was pronounced "Long Guy Land" (sounds like me, hehe) and that thing where them Mohamedans took them fast jets and crashed them into that New york eye sore, well it went down like this....

everything is crazy here goddamn it! Help me!

Please send all corresponces to

Big Digger




Sept 11, 2001